The FPP Interview: Stacey D’Erasmo

Renowned novelist Stacey D’Erasmo will take the FPP Harlem stage next Monday at Shrine (event begins at 6:45 with DJ Lady DM).  We talk to her about her visual arts influences and her love of (NY) city life.

You published first as a critic.  What effect did that training have on your first novel? And now?    It was actually pretty liberating. For one thing, when I was first writing reviews, primarily for the Village Voice Literary Supplement, I was writing for a very smart, very welcoming and open-minded audience, so I truly felt that I could express myself without reservation. Also, I was writing on deadline, which meant that self-consciousness never had the time to overtake me. I got accustomed to taking risks.  To read the rest of the interview, go here.